CommitteeCards({ members })

The CommitteeCards generates a CommitteeCard for every Object in the members property: Array.

  • Source: src\components\committees\committee-cards.js


React from "react"


  • CommitteeCard from "./subcomponents/committee-card"
    • Renders a photo of a respective committee head, with their name and position/s.
  • ./committee-cards.scss
    • Allows custom styling for applying center and wrap to the CommitteeCard components.


members (Array of Object)

Holds each committee head's information (name, position, portraitSrc)

Example (with special cases)

        "name": "Name Name",
        "position": ["position", "position"],
        "portraitSrc": "/committee-head-portraits/2122_position.webp",
        "name": "",
        "position": [],
        "portraitSrc": "/committee-head-portraits/2021_position.webp"


CommitteeCard Generator

Generates the CommitteeCard, each recieving the data from an Object from members as its prop.

    <div id="committee-cards">
        { => (
            <CommitteeCard key={} member={member} />


Top Level Wrapper

Applies centering and wrapping to the committee cards.


#committee-cards {
    padding: 20px;

    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

    justify-content: center;


The main purpose of this CommitteeCards is to to generate the CommitteeCard components and apply wrapping effects. This is where extra logic (like filtering or sorting) should go to.

The CommiteeCard components are rendered by the order of Objects in the members prop.