
Landing Video Source: /src/assets/videos/landing-video.mp4

This is the only non JSON file asset loaded by the Index. Be careful when changing its file name.

JSON Reference

Holds the title and supporting paragraph for every section of the index.

  • Source: src\data\index.json

Each key in the JSON file corresponds to a section of the index. In these keys is an Object that holds the title and text keys (both containing String's). The title contains the title of the section, to be displayed on its top, and the text contains a paragraph that gives context to the section (displayed below the title).

The current keys of the file are the following: - landing - Displays the first components of the site on load. - siteIntro - Contains the opening statement of the organization's site, just below the landing section. - eventsIntro - Introduces the featured events of the organization. - socialIntro - Presents the social media platform feeds of the site (that are currently implementable).