SigCards({ groups })

The SigCards generates a SigCard for every Object in the groups prop array. Special Interest Group will now be refered to as SIG.

  • Source: src\components\sig\sig-cards.js


React from "react"


  • SigCard from "./subcomponents/sig-card"
    • Component for displaying an image and label representing a SIG group and, when hovered, also shows the description and head of the special interest group.
  • ./sig-cards.scss
    • Allows custom styling for layouting, and to wrap the PartnerCard components


groups (Array of Objects)

Each object holds a SIG's information (name, head, description, portraitSrc)

Example (with special cases)

      "name": "Special Interest Group",
      "head": "Head head",
      "description": [
        "Descriptive text", "Another descriptive text"
      "portraitSrc": "/sig/group_name.webp"
        "name": "",
        "head": "",
        "description": [],
        "portraitSrc": ""
        "description": []


SigCard Generator

Logic wrapper for rendering the SigCard components, each recieving the data from an Object from groups as its property.

<div id="sig-cards">
    { => (
    <SigCard key={} group={group} />


  • Source: src\components\sig\sig-cards.js

For loading the default styling of components.

@import "../../styles/global.scss";


Given that the SIG's are only four, sets the SigCard components layout with a padded grid.


#sig-cards {
    padding: 3%;
    padding-top: 6%;

    display: grid;

    grid-gap: 1%;
    grid-auto-rows: 1fr;

Small screen adjustments

With small screens, the SigCard layout uses flex instead so that each SIG takes a single row.

@media (max-width: 1000px) {
    #sig-cards {
        display: flex;

        flex-direction: column;
        > * {
            margin: 1% 0;


The main purpose of this SigCards is to to generate the SigCard and apply wrapping effects. This is where extra logic for rendering (like filtering or sorting) should go to. The SigCard components are rendered by the order of Objects in the groups prop.